Ali The Great
Posted on June 04 2016
Golden Ali The Great painting by Ramomar
Dedicated to Muhammad Ali May his soul live forever.
In the tradition given to the most prominent hero's of their day, Ali is draped in the golden mane. The Lion/Raw is the most powerful animal on the planet. Since time memorial starting on the African continent chiefs would participate in the royal lion hunts.This was done to reinforce their right for rulership over their people, and to show their bravery to confront the most powerful creature on the planet. There was once a time when the lion's domain was spread world wide, and over thousands of years they went through many mutations to adapt to different climates.
As the shift of the ages occurred, the DNA of some species of lions changed and other species died off after their purpose in life was complete, leaving behind the type of lion that we are familiar with today.
Today lions are more prevalent within the African continent, but their territory once extended from North to South Africa. As the climate changed thousands of years ago, the lions' prey would migrate towards the grasslands that further south in the heartland. Hence, the lion population in North Africa shrank and they became more prevalent in the south central part of the continent.
The lions instinctively picked and divided territories. They would form clans or prides to defend their chosen territory and to control their food supply.
During the dry period of the summer months, the ancients would notice that lions were at their deadliest as they fought for the survival of their cubs and their pride.
The male would be in constant conflict with migrating herds and other prides competing for whatever was left of the resources. Their last stronghold during this time of the month were riverbanks where the lions could easily prey on animals who stopped to get a drink of water.
The time when the lions' power would be put to the test as they guarded the last water supply would be known as The Month of the Lion - starting in July. The ancients would later dedicate the stars that were visible during that time of the month as RwPt/ Heaven Lion, known today as the constellation of Leo.
This would be the particular time when chiefs would go through their rights of passage to go on the Lion hunt.

Greek myths such as Heracles slaying the Nemean Lion. The descendents of Alexander would depict their hero draped in the lion skin as Hercules.
Unfortunately lions are no longer in the the northern territories so the man and lion myths were taken from the African continent.
Muhammad Ali the last of the great warrior fighters of this age is now draped in the golden mane as he hands the gloves to the new age of enlightenment.